Please email mps@fundhouse.co.uk – this is monitored closely by our team and someone will reply to you quickly. You can also call us on 01737 233 979.

  • 7IM
  • Abrdn Wrap
  • Aegon
  • Aegon ARC
  • Aviva
  • Elevate
  • Fidelity
  • Hubwise
  • M&G
  • Nucleus
  • Parmenion
  • Quilter
  • Scottish Widows
  • Transact
  • Wealthtime (Novia)

Our core model portfolios are available to view on FE Analytics. Please get in touch at mps@fundhouse.co.uk or on 01737 233 979 if you need us to add permissions for you.

Our investment team, based in the UK https://www.fundhouse.co.uk/about-us/meet-the-team/. Please give us a call on 01737 233979 if you’d like to know more about us.

These documents are all available as PDFs, co-branded between your business and ours. Please ask if you would like to be put on our mailing list to receive these. They will also be available to you once you’re logged in to this portal.

  • Factsheets. Produced quarterly, by the 14th of the month following quarter-end. They are very detailed, showing: fund weights, asset allocation, performance, fees, and return expectations.
  • Model performance commentaries. Produced monthly, by the 14th of each month. We explain recent drivers of performance.
  • Monthly market/economic commentary. Published by the 14th of the month following quarter-end. We focus on matters most relevant/relatable to a UK end-client.
  • Ad-hoc updates on significant market events. Published soon after a major market event, e.g. the Chancellor’s Budget, the Silicon Valley Bank crisis, the 2022 gilts/LDI crisis, etc.
  • Model trade notes. Published at the time of trading.

Apart from factsheets and end-client brochures, our documentation is not designed to be shared directly with end-clients. However, we write many of them with content and language that you may find appropriate for end-clients, and you are welcome to use written excerpts from the documents in this portal in your own communications.

  • For advisors. Click here for our brochure
  • For end-clients. We can produce co-branded end-client-facing brochures to market our MPS service. Please let us know if you would like us to produce one for your firm, and we will get in touch to ask for some information about your firm and your logo etc. These will then be available when you’re logged in to this portal.

We tend to trade infrequently – usually only a few times per year. We only trade when we a) have changed our view on a fund b) see asset class valuations at attractive extremes.

We produce a detailed note explaining the rationale. This is published on the secure area of this portal at the time of the trade.

Our core model portfolio costs are shown below, as at 1st June 2023:

Portfolio NameLaunch DateAverage equityMaximum equityReturn TargetInvestment HorizonOngoing ChargesTransaction CostsFundhouse FeeEst. Total Investment Cost
Global Defensive19/09/201820%35%UK cash + 1%pa2+ years0.27%0.07%0.15%0.49%
Global Cautious03/09/201840%50%UK cash + 2%pa3+ years0.36%0.12%0.15%0.63%
Global Balanced17/08/201860%70%UK cash + 3%pa5+ years0.49%0.14%0.15%0.78%
Global Growth03/09/201880%90%UK cash + 4%pa7+ years0.60%0.17%0.15%0.92%
Global Equity03/09/201895%100%UK cash + 5%pa10+ years0.68%0.19%0.15%1.02%
Responsible Global Cautious01/10/201940%50%UK cash + 2%pa3+ years0.37%0.12%0.15%0.64%
Responsible Global Balanced01/03/201960%70%UK cash + 3%pa5+ years0.46%0.11%0.15%0.72%
Responsible Global Growth01/03/201980%90%UK cash + 4%pa7+ years0.54%0.11%0.15%0.80%

Data as at 1st June 2023 on the Standard Life Platform. Fees and return goals are per annum, and Ongoing Charges/Transaction Costs figures are weighted averages. Transaction Costs are the costs of trading securities inside each fund and are estimated by the fund manager for each fund. Fundhouse do not charge VAT on their MPS services.